- गृहपृष्ठ
- परिचय
- वडा कार्यालयहरु
- कार्यक्रम तथा परियोजना
- विधुतीय शुसासन सेवा
- प्रतिवेदन
- सूचना तथा जानकारी
- ग्यालरी
- Covid-19
- अध्यक्ष कप भलिबल
- सम्पर्क
ऋषिङ्ग समृद्धिको आधार कृषि , संस्कृति,पर्यटन र पुर्वाधार ।
Madhu Adhikari (Madhusafal) has worked as IT officer for 2 years . Information and communication officer with commanding leadership on his IT related work and friendly with all staff members. IT officer in nepal. He has good knowledge on digital marketing, content making and sharing. He has also strong communication skills both on public and media.